Creating a New Custom Answering Rule

Creating a New Custom Answering Rule

To get more familiar with the default answering rules:
To create a new answering rule, there first has to be a time frame that is defined. The default rule in Answering Rules does not need this because it is "always on". Unless other rules with time frames exist, the default rule will be the 24x7 ring behavior. 

  1. Login to the SquibitUC portal Click on the "Time Frames" module. 
  2. Depending on your organization you may see time frames here already. The shared time frames can be used by all users in the organization to make it easier to create rules. For this exercise lets assume you are creating a rule that needs a custom time frame because you work different hours. Click "Add Time Frame".
  3. Give the time frame a name, and select "Days of the week and times". Because the default rule is always on, this new time frame and rule will be when you are out of office (when the default rule shouldn't be on). If you are looking to change the answering behaviors for when you are in the office, click here.
  4. Check each day that this time frame will apply to and drag the horizontal bar where needed. In many cases you might have to add 2 frames in one day. Click the "Add" button to accomplish this. Again we are defining normal "Out of Office" hours. 
  5. Once you've defined this time frame. Click "Save"
  6. Now open the "Answering Rules" module.
  7. Click "Add Rule"
  8. Select a time frame at the top. Notice the default settings for this new rule only include your desk phone and will not simultaneously ring your SNAPmobile via web or mobile device. If that is your intended call flow for non-business hours then simply click save. For this example we are going to make sure the desk phone does not ring and the SNAPmobile client on the users smart phone rings after a 10 second delay. The settings below accomplish this:

You'll notice the new rule in answering rules will have the name of the time frame and a description of the settings chosen. You will also notice it is ABOVE the default rule. This is important because the view in this module is top down priority. You want to keep the more restrictive time frame to be above default, if not defaults "always on" behavior will take affect. 

There are times when you need to put rules BELOW the default rule. One example is a Do Not Disturb answering rule that you would like to choose on the fly in the Home module. 
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